Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Does Cholesterol Really Cause Heart Disease?

by Dr. Will Cole
When I say the word "cholesterol" what do you think? Most people think in terms of heart disease. We're taught to believe that cholesterol is the cause of heart disease, and as a nation we've spent trillions of dollars on spreading the belief that cholesterol is very bad. We have The War on Terror, The War on Drugs and The War on Cholesterol, and whenever we have a war on something it normally has a lot of propaganda fueling it, with unintended (or intended) consequences...Read the rest of the article over at MindBodyGreen.Com HERE! Be sure to share it with your friends!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I Love Helping People Get Healthy!

   I know the blog is not updated as much as it should be, my apologies! The reason is I am extremely busy helping people get healthy and regain their life back. In the Pittsburgh area, and across the country via phone and Skype consultations, I am honored to be able to make a positive impact in peoples lives.

   Blogging in between patients right now, and I just got finished talking with a patient a few minutes ago. A few weeks ago he felt like he didn't want to live anymore. A long list of medications, overweight, depressed and sick. 2 weeks on his program (because there is no ONE program, they are designed for you) he was able to cut his medications in half, he lost 13 pounds, he feels great, has the energy he hasn't had in years, is sleeping better, thinking more clearly, and is not feeling depressed anymore!

   Its not magic, it is just clinically investigating the underlying reasons why people are feeling the way they are feeling. Natural Science put into action! Learn more at