Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The 6 Tests For Gluten Intolerance Your Doctor Isn't Running

The explosion of research done on gluten and its damaging health effects has transformed the health and food industry. Thanks to the hybridization of wheat and a grain-centric culture, gluten can be a monster to your health. This protein, found in grains like wheat, rye, spelt and barley, is highly inflammatory for many people. Gluten is the aspartame of the 21st century; maligned by the health community, and defended by its loyal consumers.
Gluten intolerance may be linked to a number of symptoms, such as:
  • Autoimmune conditions
  • Chronic diseases
  • Skin eruptions, eczema, cold sores, acne
  • Fatigue
  • Joint pain
  • Indigestion
  • Bloating Gas
  • Heartburn
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea
  • Congestion
  • Anxiety
  • Moodiness or irritability
  • Headaches or migraines
Many people who suspect gluten may be a factor in their health problems go to their doctor and ask to be tested. They're typically given the gliadin or anti-transglutaminase antibody tests. The problem with these tests, when run alone, is that they're often an incomplete view of underlying problems.
Gliadin, the protein component of gluten, has four different sub classifications: alpha, beta, gamma and omega. The problem with the typical gliadin antibody test is that it only tests alpha gliadin. You could have a negative alpha gliadin antibody test, but have a positive response against another form of gliadin. This quirk gives many the impression that gluten isn't a problem for them, and they continue to feed their health problems with every meal.
The anti-transglutaminase antibody test is run to rule out celiac disease, the autoimmune disease, which is known for its severe reaction against gluten. Many doctors in the mainstream system don't realize that you do not have to be Celiac to have an intolerance to gluten. An increasing amount of research is being done on non-celiac gluten sensitivity (NCGS). An estimated 1 in 20 Americans may have some form of gluten sensitivity or intolerance.
So what tests should be done if you want to find out for sure if you have a gluten intolerance? These are some of the tests that I run on my patients:
1. Deamidated Gliadin
In many processed foods, wheat is put through a process of deamidation which makes it mix better with other ingredients. This chemical process also goes on in your intestines, which can further complicate the issue. Your body may tolerate every other form of gluten except deamidated gliadins.
2. Glutenin
Gliadin is not the only component to gluten. The other half of gluten is a compound called glutenin. This compound was once thought not to cause an inflammatory response in the body, but recent research has shown this not to be the case. Looking at just part of gluten is like having only part of the pieces to a puzzle.
3. Gluteomorphins
Many of my patients feel worse when they first come off of gluten. They're probably detoxing off of gluteomorphins or gliadorphin. Gluteomorphins are opiate-like compounds that can make gluten a bit like addictive drug. Coming off of gluten can come with several days or weeks of irritability, brain fog, headaches and lethargy.
4. Prodynorphin
Prodynorphins are necessary for your body to make endorphins. Their production can be suppressed in someone with gluten sensitivity.
5. Wheat Germ Agglutinin
Wheat germ agglutinin is the lectin component of wheat, and can bind to nutrients to make them unusable in your body. They also can cause an immune response in your body, leading to chronic systemic inflammation.
6. Gluten Cross-Reactivity
This test can be the missing link for many people who are eating "gluten free" but still have symptoms. When your body makes antibodies against gluten, those antibodies can also recognize proteins in other foods. When you eat those foods, even though they don’t contain gluten, your body reacts as though they do!
Some common gluten cross-reactive foods are rice, corn, soy, quinoa and buckwheat. A comprehensive health history and testing can be a life changer for many people who are going undiagnosed and aren't helped by mainstream care. When we clinically investigate these underlying issues, a customized health program can be designed for the individual. What works for one person may not be right for the next.

Dr. William Cole, DC, graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences in Los Angeles, California. He has his post doctorate education and training in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Cole consults in the Pittsburgh area and phone or webcam consultations for people around the world. He specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors and customizing health programs for chronic conditions such as thyroid issues, autoimmune, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, diabetes, heart disease and fibromyalgia. Visit www.drwillcole.com for more information and subscribe to his free monthly Future Health Newsletter to stay plugged in with healthy tips and recipes.

Fibromyalgia: 5 Underlying Causes

Fibromyalgia affects millions of people, with little to no help provided by mainstream medicine. This debilitating condition is known for symptoms such as chronic fatigue, depression, painful muscular points and sleep disorders. People struggling with fibromyalgia are typically given pain medication, antidepressants and are told to learn to cope with their symptoms. The problem is that a fibromyalgia diagnosis tells you the symptoms of the disease, not the underlying causes. Because of this, a diagnosis is a starting point, not an answer to your problems.

Functional medicine, on the other hand, looks to uncover the myriad underlying factors that cause chronic conditions like fibromyalgia. This process begins with running labs that typically aren't used in the conventional model, which is largely concerned with diagnosing a disease and matching it with a corresponding drug.
Functional medicine is also called "systems medicine" because it looks at all the different systems of your body and their complex interactions. Let's look at some of the systems I examine in my patients who are suffering with fibromyalgia:

1. Gut
The majority of your immune system resides in the sophisticated gastrointestinal system. The trillions of bacteria that live in your gut make up a delicate environment called the microbiome. When this system is thrown off balance, it can wreak havoc and cause or contribute to fibromyalgia symptoms. Many people struggling with fibromyalgia have unnoticed gut issues:
  • Chronic yeast or fungal Infections, such as excess candida
  • Bacterial infections or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
  • Food intolerances
  • Gut hyperpermeability (Leaky Gut)
These are some common conditions in the gut system that people with fibromyalgia have and they don't even know it. Addressing these issues is a piece of the puzzle to feeling like themselves again.
2. Detox
We're inundated with toxins every day. From our food, environment, cleaning and beauty products — toxins come at us from every direction, and they take a toll on our health. Our bodies are resilient and can handle a certain level of the toxic onslaught, but toxicity is another potential tipping point for fibromyalgia. Heavy metals such as mercury and lead, or mycotoxins from mold are some common things that I see with people dealing with fibromyalgia symptoms. We also need to look at your body's ability to get rid toxins. Impaired detoxification pathways and genetic weaknesses can make it extra difficult for some people to eliminate toxins properly. This toxic buildup can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms.

3. Hormonal
Our body communicates and operates with an intelligent system of hormones known as the endocrine system. When there is an imbalance, deficiency or dysregulation to your hormones, it may cause fibromyalgia symptoms. Adrenal fatigue, thyroid disorders, DHEA levels, estrogen and testosterone imbalances are some of the pieces of the puzzle to understanding fibromyalgia symptoms.

4. Nutrients
Not a true system in the conventional sense, but as a system within all systems, your body's nutrient levels are essential to understanding fibromyalgia. Deficiencies in magnesium, vitamin D, selenium and glutathione are all potential factors in the development of fibromyalgia.

5. Biomechanical
Your nervous system supplies energy to all other systems of your body! That's why you may hear your neck referred to as "the arc of life." Injuries to your neck or bad posture can bring a perpetual source of chronic inflammation and stress to your body's systems.
As you can see, you would be hard pressed to find a "magic pill" that dealt with all the underlying factors of fibromyalgia. A comprehensive health program that addresses all these issues should be customized for anyone struggling with fibromyalgia

Dr. William Cole, DC, graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences in Los Angeles, California. He has his post doctorate education and training in Functional Medicine and Clinical Nutrition. Dr. Cole consults in the Pittsburgh area and phone or webcam consultations for people around the world. He specializes in clinically investigating underlying factors and customizing health programs for chronic conditions such as thyroid issues, autoimmune, hormonal dysfunctions, digestive disorders, diabetes, heart disease and fibromyalgia. Visit www.drwillcole.com for more information and subscribe to his free monthly Future Health Newsletter to stay plugged in with healthy tips and recipes.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Are You Resistant To Weight Loss? It Could Be This

It is no secret that obesity has skyrocketed in the past 20 years. This metabolic epidemic accounts for 21 percent of all health care costs in the United States. The Centers for Disease Control estimates that more than 1/3 of Americans are obese and another third are overweight. From diabetes, heart disease to cancer, obesity is linked with an increase in almost every chronic disease plaguing western society. For the first time ever, in 2011, chronic disease killed more people than infectious disease.

The weight loss industry is a multibillion dollar juggernaut, offering countless ways to "get skinny quick!" with the next popular magic pill or product. It may be just me, but in my opinion, there are no magic pills! Conventional wisdom tells us that the key to weight loss is based on the rough concept of "calories in vs. calories out." That if, if you just restrict the amount of food you consume and eat like a rabbit , you'll be a supermodel. This antiquated view brings the yo-yo dieter short-term success at best.

So what's the missing link here? In Functional Medicine, my goal is to look at the underlying causes of chronic issues like weight loss resistance. As with any chronic condition, weight loss resistance is multi-factorial, having many pieces to the puzzle. One of the biggest pieces of the weight loss puzzle is where the majority of your immune system resides, and where almost all of your body's serotonin — your mood regulator — is produced: your gut.

The gut is home to trillions of bacteria, collectively known as the microbiome. Your body is comprised of 15 trillion human cells, and about 90 trillion bacterial cells. The bacteria in our bodies contain at least 150 times more genes, collectively, than our human genome — you could say you are more bacteria than you are human!

Our Western diet, filled with refined grains, sugar, bad fats (such as canola, vegetable, corn and soybean oil) and environmental toxins, causes inflammation in the gut, which can lead to leaky gut syndrome. This increased gut permeability allows endotoxins from bacteria to escape the protective gut lining and circulate through the body, causing systemic inflammation. This systemic inflammation can affect the hypothalamic cells of your brain — known as Leaky Brain Syndrome — which can lead to leptin resistance. Leptin, a hormone produced by fat cells, is supposed to tell your brain to burn fat for energy and to tell your body when it is full. With leptin resistance, the brain doesn't get the message.

Welcome to weight loss resistance. A struggle with weight loss can be an issue from childhood for some people. C-section births or antibiotic use, while sometimes necessary, come with a cost of a disadvantaged microbiome. From the moment we are born through the birth canal, we acquire beneficial bacteria. Throughout time our gut has depended on our environment — our food, animals, being outside — to provide the diverse healthy bacteria that keep us healthy and at our optimal weight. Our sanitized life came with a price tag of chronic disease and obesity.

So what's the solution?

Read the entire article at MindBodyGreen!

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Monday, October 7, 2013

The 3 Best Gluten-Free Flour Alternatives

In an article I wrote a few weeks ago, Why Going Gluten Free Can Be Unhealthy, I explained how many people are trying to do the right thing by eating gluten-free foods, without realizing a "gluten-free" label is not equivalent to "healthy." I showed how going gluten free can be done right and how it can be done wrong, from a health perspective. In reality, one could argue that the standard Western diet is so abysmal that any minor change to it would be an improvement. A relative improvement, from very bad to just bad, does not mean optimal health.
If optimal health is our goal, we need to consider which foods are the most nutrient dense, have the most bioavailable nutrients, and cause the least amount of stress to our bodies.
Let's go over the three gluten-free alternatives that fit that criteria. These are the choices I consider to be the best options if you want to go gluten free the healthy way. Look for these in the gluten free foods you buy or use them as substitutes when you bake:
1. Coconut Flour
This gluten-free option is high in lauric acid. Lauric acid is a healthy saturated fat that's essential to your immune system. Healthy saturated fats are critical for cellular health. These fats are also important for healthy skin and thyroid health. Because coconut flour comes from the meat of dried coconut, it is also high in clean protein. Rich in fiber, coconut flour will also aid in healthy digestion and gut health.
2. Almond Flour
This healthy gluten-free alternative can be found in health food stores or made at home from organic almonds. Almond flour is high in monounsaturated fats, which decrease the risk of heart disease, and abundant in the antioxidant action of vitamin E. Almond flour is also abundant in magnesium and potassium, which are essential for maximized health.
3. Hazelnut Flour
High in protein, hazelnut flour also boasts high levels of the B vitamin folate, which is important for cell health and brain development.Hazelnut flour also has the highest proanthocyanidin content of any tree nut. These helpful compounds may help reduce the risk of blood clotting and urinary tract infections.
Obviously, what works for one person may not be best for the next. We have to take in consideration individual factors such as food intolerances or allergies. It is my passion to design health programs tailored to the individual, navigating them to a path of maximized health.
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

9 Superfoods To Consume During The Fall Season

(NaturalNews) There are superfoods that deserve the name. These special edibles can battle various illnesses like cancer, high cholesterol, heart disease, and other evil diseases that beset man. Blueberries, for instance, can easily knock off free radicals in the body with the powerful antioxidants that they possess.

Going for Natural Foods in Autumn

The fact is that nature provides people with superfood molecules and substances that work wonders for the body one way or the other. It is a reality that certain produce are abundant at specific times of the year. Diet and nutrition can be seen with a seasonal approach. Including fruits and vegetables that are in season in one's diet can provide the freshest and most delicious natural flavors of the season. The following foods are best during autumn:

Sweet Potatoes and Pumpkin

It is easy to fall in love with the flavors and huge amounts of vitamin A that come from items belonging to the "dark orange veggies" family. Sweet potatoes richly boast potassium, calcium, vitamin C and antioxidants. Other standouts in this group are butternut squash, carrots and pumpkins.

Cruciferous Vegetables

These vegetables help in maintaining a good and healthy memory through the coming years. The suggestion came from research which found women who ingest these foods in adequate amounts to have the sharpest memory.

The food items from this group include turnips, collards, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and broccoli. In addition to their ability to fortify memory, cruciferous vegetables can fight cancer through their natural ingredients called "indole alkaloids." People can also get vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber from these juicy vegetables.


Pomegranates are powerhouses of antioxidants that specifically work to protect the brain and boost memory. Research has also shown that they can prevent hardening and thickening of arteries.


Beets are beneficial in two great ways. First, they are rich in folate, or folic acid, a nutrient that prevents embryonic defects in the neural tube. For pregnant women, beets should be considered. Second, beets contain a certain betacyanin found to possess a cancer-fighting ability. They are particularly useful in preventing and treating colon cancer.


Alliums are good for eliminating carcinogens and other toxins that harm the liver. Research suggests that they also help in some cases of cancer and heart diseases. Shallots, chives, scallions, leeks, onions and garlic are prominent member of the Allium genus.

Olive Oil

People who are at risk of heart disease have got good news about olive oil to be happy about. Research on olive oil-rich Mediterranean diets shows that olive oil can cut the risk of death for heart disease patients by about 50%. This stems from the fact that olive oil contains monosaturated fats. Olive oil also contains antioxidants.


One good thing about tea is it contains heart-supportive antioxidant catechins. This antioxidant is credited for its ability to strengthen arterial walls and hinder blood clotting.

Red Wine/Grape Juice

Grapes have substantial amounts of vitamins such as B6, B1 and C, but they are more celebrated for the phytochemicals that they contain - in particular, the phenolics. Phenolics, sourced from the skin of grapes, decrease the risks of developing heart diseases. One of such phenols is resveratrol, a natural compound that has anti-inflammatory, anticancer and antioxidant properties.


During fall, these are the natural food products that people should definitely turn their attention to. With all the powerful, natural ingredients that they contain, it's time to shift from expensive, meat-filled diets to ones full of natural fruits and vegetables. These superfoods are what the body deserves.

Source: Natural News

Sources for this article include:




Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Monday, September 30, 2013

Real Food Challenge: 5 Steps To Give Yourself A Total Health Makeover

Gluten-free, paleo, raw, vegetarian, vegan — all the information out there on what you should and should not be eating can really be an overwhelming experience for someone who is trying to turn his life around and get healthy. "Where do I even begin?" is what I hear often from those looking to reclaim their health.
Many people have been eating the same way for years, and even the thought of trying to get healthy is too much to handle. It can be a daunting task to determine the right thing to do. For this reason, I've laid out five simple steps to give your body a total health makeover!
1. Throw out "food-like substances."
Go through your fridge and your pantry and if it doesn't grow from a plant, is a plant, or has lived on an organic farm, throw it out! The food industry spends a lot of money on marketing food to you, but not a lot on quality, nutrient-dense foods. The fresher the food the better, so limit the amount of boxed and shelf foods you have around. If it's not in your house, it will be harder to eat it. Throw out foods that cause the most inflammation in your body, like sugar or things that turn into sugar, like grains. Our culture is grain addicted, so this advice might cause you to break out in a cold sweat. But that initial reaction is exactly why you need to do it!
2. Read labels.
When you're in the supermarket, the periphery of the store is typically filled with the real food, so start there. Fill your grocery cart with a variety of these foods:
Healthy fats: extra virgin coconut oil, grass-fed dairy, avocados, organic eggs, raw nuts and seeds.
Organic produce: With the depletion of nutrients in our soil and the use of pesticides, buy organic fruits and vegetable when possible.
Clean protein: Chicken should be free range , fish should be wild caught, and beef should be grass fed.
The center of the supermarket is typically where you'll find the boxed, canned and bagged foods. If the food label is a paragraph of words you can't pronounce, skip it. Look for real food ingredients, the stuff you know your body runs on. Go local when possible, or visit a farmers market where you can find quality real food.
3. Make a meal plan and stick with it.
Now that you've filled your kitchen with real foods, make a simple meal plan using a variety of the different foods you bought to make things interesting. Try new things, and live on the adventurous side. You might like it! Once you've made a meal plan, stick with it. You've organized your weeks meals so you don't have to think much about them when you're in the middle of a busy week. If you plan ahead, you'll set yourself up for a deliciously healthy week. 
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Friday, September 20, 2013

Why Diabetes Gets Worse Over Time In Spite Of Drug Treatments

Almost 26 million Americans have type II diabetes, and many don't even know they have it. This silent killer is a leading cause of heart disease and many other health complications. Once called "adult onset diabetes," this disease now affects a growing number of children's lives. Ravaging not only quality of life but quantity, diabetes shortens life span by up to 10 years. In 2012 year alone, The U.S. spent more than $245 billion on diabetes, which grew 41 percent in 5 years. By the year 2020 the diabetes epidemic is projected to have cost us around 3.35 trillion dollars over the preceding decade. This epidemic is not only looking to bankrupt the United States, but Europe as well. With billions being spent, you would expect an improvement, but it's estimated that by 2020, just a few years away, 50 percent of the United States will be at risk for diabetes.
Diabetics are given very little options in mainstream medicine. They are typically told to do three things: 1. Take this pill, 2. Lose weight, and 3. See you in six months. Left to fend for themselves, they are inundated with the endless amount of conflicting information marketed to people with this disease, consumers in a billion-dollar industry. In my experience, most people are well intentioned and try to do the right thing, but are overwhelmed with misinformation and propaganda.
At the heart of the propaganda machine is the pharmaceutical industry, which spends 19 times more on self-promotion than they do on actual research. The medications given are anything but magic pills, all having negative side effects and some being linked to bladder and pancreatic cancer. Not designed to heal, the medications typically have to be increased in dosages until no other option is left but to go on insulin. When nothing changes but your prescription list, it's really disheartening. When you're told to lose weight but are given medications that make you gain weight, it's discouraging. In short, no one is sick from a medication deficiency.
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Monday, September 16, 2013

Why Going Gluten Free Can Be Unhealthy

Gluten free has gone mainstream. The multibillion dollar gluten-free food industry has exploded over the last few years, to the point that you now can go to just about any restaurant or grocery store and find a gluten-free alternative for whatever food you seek. From gluten-free breads, pastas and pastries to gluten-free shampoos and lotions, "gluten free" has become ubiquitous in our culture.
recent survey from market research firm the NPD Group finds that America is cutting gluten in a big way. The survey estimated that around one third of US adults wanted to decrease or eliminate gluten from their diets, a record high. It's undeniable that for a growing number of the population, gluten-free foods are the best thing since sliced bread — so to speak.
Gluten, the protein that is found in grains such as wheat, rye, spelt and barley, can be highly inflammatory for a lot of people. Gluten exposure triggers a 70% increase in intestinal permeability (leaky gut syndrome), and spikes inflammation in the body for as long as six months.

Gluten affects people in extremely different ways. From the horrible autoimmune attacks of celiac disease and the allergic responses from a wheat allergy, to the estimated 1 in 20 Americans who have a gluten sensitivity, gluten is the center of a lot of research when it comes to chronic, inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.
With that said, "gluten free" is not synonymous with healthy. The major problem, in my opinion, is that the gluten-free alternatives that millions are eating with good intentions are highly inflammatory themselves. For example:
Gluten-free grains: Gluten-free foods typically contain cornoats and rice. The problem is that these grains can all have potentially damaging inflammatory effects on the body
Pseudo-grains: Quinoa and amaranth are two other ingredients used in gluten-free foods. These foods are high in saponins, which act as a defense mechanism for plants, and can cause gut inflammation and contribute to leaky gut syndrome.
To read the entire article, go on over to MindBodyGreen!
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Thursday, September 5, 2013

5 Reasons Thyroid Medications Aren't Working For You

Millions of Americans struggle with low thyroid symptoms and are told at their doctor's office to take medication and return in three months. Welcome to the standard model of care. 

The problem is that many people still have persistent low thyroid symptoms, even when taking the thyroid medication. People live with debilitating symptoms like fatigue, depression, anxiety, hair loss, weight gain and skin problems, and receive very little help from mainstream care.

Thyroid medication normally comes in the form of a synthetic T4 thyroid hormone. T4 is the main thyroid hormone that your body produces naturally, but it needs to be converted into T3 for it to be used actively in the body. I wrote an article for MindBodyGreen that explains in detail the many different causes of low thyroid symptoms that aren't tested for in the standard model of care. Since that article was first published, I've been able to talk to hundreds of people all over the world who are on thyroid replacement hormones and are told they're “normal,” even though they still have symptoms. These people know that how they're feeling is anything but normal.

Because thyroid physiology is so complex, there is rarely, if ever, a “magic pill” that cures the problem. The overwhelming majority of people struggling with low thyroid symptoms are having some sort of autoimmune response. This means that their immune system mistakes the thyroid as an enemy and attacks it. This immune dysregulation can cause systemic inflammation in the body. Inflammation is a normal response to an injury, but when the source of the inflammation, in this case an autoimmune response, isn't addressed, the vicious cycle of systemic inflammation is never broken.

The underlying issues of an autoimmune pattern and inflammation have to be addressed to restore the patient’s health. It's only when you deal with underlying issues like these that you can allow the thyroid hormone to be effectively used in the body. 

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Friday, August 30, 2013

The 6 Best Ways To Heal Your Gut & Restore Your Health

In part 1 of this series I explained what leaky gut syndrome was how it can wreak havoc throughout your body. In part 2, I went over different causes of leaky gut syndrome. If you haven't already, take a look at those articles first.
If you have leaky gut syndrome, what do you do now? Here are six of my favorite healing tools to repair a leaky gut:
1. L-Glutamine

This amino acid has been shown to bring healing to damaged gut lining. This healing tool may help repair the gut and reverse the effects of leaky gut syndrome.
2. Bone broth 

This ancient superfood can do wonders for your gut health. Bone broth is abundant in fat-soluble vitamins and minerals to boost your overall immune health and digestion. Bone broth is also rich in gelatin, which can heal your gut from the inside out. Bones should be from grass-fed cattle or organic chickens.
3. Herbal remedies

There are several herbs that can help heal gut lining damage. Slippery elm, marshmallow root and Deglycyrrhizinated licorice are some remedies that have been used for hundreds of years to repair the protective lining of your gut.
4. Fermented foods 

Your gut is home to around 100 trillion microorganisms. Fermented foods such as kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, and kombucha provide your gut with trillions of beneficial bacteria. This will help rebuild and balance healthy bacteria levels that are destroyed with leaky gut syndrome.
5. Coconut oil

This is another superfood no one should be without. The healthy saturated fats are an integral part to healing your gut. Lauric, capric and caprylic acids in coconut oil have antimicrobial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties. This is a real food medicine way to gently clean your GI system. Coconut oil should be organic, extra virgin and cold pressed.
6. Intermittent fasting 

Giving your body a little break from digesting food can be very healing. Intermittent fasting is not a full fast, but limiting your daily caloric intake to 500 or 600 a day. This restriction for a few days will allow your body to repair the gut's lining. The healing foods listed above are perfect choices to eat during intermittent fasting.
Customized Health Solutions
What works for one person may not be right for the next. A health program should be customized based on the patients health history and labs. This tailored and individualized approach is what I do for people all around the world through my virtual Functional Medicine practice. 

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Monday, August 19, 2013

5 Common Culprits That Are Damaging Your Gut Health

In my previous article, I showed why and how increased permeability in your intestinal system — known as leaky gut syndrome — is linked to many chronic diseases. I also showed which four tests need to be run to see if a leaky gut is a factor in your case. If you haven't already, I would read that article first to gain understanding of leaky gut syndrome.

Your gut health is intertwined with every other system in your body. When the lining of that wall is damaged, it can cause systemic inflammation and trigger an autoimmune response in any of those systems in your body. In this article I want to go over five culprits that can play a part in damaging your gut.

1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen relieve pain and inflammation by blocking an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase. The problem is that this enzyme also performs important functions, such as protecting the stomach from the corrosive effects of its own acid, which strengthens the activity of the immune system. Because of this, they can cause intestinal inflammation, damaging the lining of the intestine and causing intestinal permeability. This process can turn on an autoimmune response in the body. Among people who chronically use NSAIDs, research estimates that 65% will develop intestinal inflammation and up to 30% will develop ulcers.             

2. Antibiotics

Frequent use of antibiotics can decrease your beneficial, protective gut bacteria. With your body's natural defenses down, this will make your body more prone to damaging to your gut's lining. What's worse is that your body's unique diversity of trillions of beneficial bacteria won't automatically be recovered after it's lost, without some healthy intervention.

To see the other 3 Culprits will wreak havoc on your gut and your health, go on over to MindBodyGreen for the complete article

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Thursday, August 8, 2013

4 Tests To Determine If You Have A Leaky Gut

Your gut is home to trillions of beneficial bacteria. You have 10 times more of these bacteria in your gastrointestinal system than you have cells in your body. You could say that you're more bacteria than human. This highly sophisticated system is where 80 percent of your immune system resides. Ninety-five percent of your body's serotonin, the body's "feel-good" hormone, is found not in the brain, but right in your gut. It's no wonder that your gut is referred to in scientific literature as the "second brain." 

For all these reasons, in my clinical experience, we must always investigate the gastrointestinal system when dealing with any chronic health condition.

Leaky gut syndrome (also known as intestinal hyperpermeability), is the result of a compromise to the intestinal lining. During the normal digestion process the tight junctions (think of them as protective gates) stay closed, forcing all molecules to effectively be screened and only pass into the blood stream through the mucosal cells. For a number of reasons, these tight junctions can become “open,” or permeable, allowing bacteria, toxins, incompletely digested proteins, fats and waste into the bloodstream. 

Once these toxins are in the blood, they flow throughout the body, which can trigger an autoimmune reaction. Because of this systemic problem, the list of conditions linked to intestinal hyperpermeability is far reaching. Arthritis, asthma, autism, autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, type I diabetes, type II diabetes, skin disorders, thyroid disorders and weight loss resistance have all been linked to gut health issues.

With these overwhelming implications that leaky gut syndrome can have on your health, lets go over four tests that should be run to determine if a leaky gut is a factor in whatever chronic health issues you may be experiencing: Go on over to MindBodyGreen to read the entire article!
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Monday, August 5, 2013

Recipe: Layered Fruit Gazpacho

Perfect Healthy, Real Food treat for your whole family:
Layered Fruit Gazpacho

10 ounces frozen raspberries, thawed
2 tablespoons honey
... 12 ounces unsweetened lemon-lime sparkling water
5 kiwis, peeled
1 teaspoon lime juice
1 cup roughly chopped cantaloupe
4 kiwi slices, for garnish

Combine raspberries (if frozen taw them before) and honey in a food processor or blender until it becomes a puree. Pass the puree through a fine mesh to filter the seeds. Add lime sparkling water and let it rest on the side.
In the blender, combine peeled kiwifruit and lime/lemon juice until pureed. Put it on the side. Then clean the blender, add cantaloupe and blend it.

To make the layers, in each glass put equal amount from each puree; and you have a tasty dessert for your summer days.
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health. www.drwillcole.com

Friday, August 2, 2013

3 Reasons Mainstream Medicine Is Failing You + What To Do About It

The United States spends more than $3 trillion each year on health care. That's more than what the next 10 countries spend combined! There could be justification for spending that exorbitant amount of money if it produced results, but what does research show? 

According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, out of 13 industrialized nations, the United States is last when it comes to the most years of life lost for adults and the highest infant mortality rate. The World Health Organization and the National Research Council claim that out of 16 industrialized nations, the United States has the highest chance that a child will die before age 5, the highest rate of women dying due to complications of pregnancy and childbirth and the second-highest rate of death by coronary heart disease and lung disease. 

Mainstream medicine and its care for the millions of Americans struggling with chronic diseases leaves many with little hope or answers. The standard model of care for conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, low thyroid, acid reflux and autoimmune disease is inadequate, to say the least. Having coached people all over the world in reversing conditions such as these, I've been able to pinpoint three reasons why mainstream medicine is failing you: Read my entire article at MindBodyGreen
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vaccination Nation

Vaccines are always a hot health topic. I frequently get asked what my position on the issue is. Most vaccines, if not all contain preservatives, like thimerisol, aluminum, formaldehyde or yeast. Although there is some testing on individual vaccines, there is no testing done on the combinations given. The amount of vaccines now given to infants before 2 years of life is astounding. I don't think their young immune systems were made to handle this insult. That combined with the actual doses of preservatives like those listed above when they get multiple vaccines at the same time can be a detox issue in some children. Vaccines as they are recommended today are a "stress test" of sorts, but instead of being a cardiac exercise stress test, this is a test to see which children are born with genetic polymorphisms that lead to poor detoxification pathways in the body. The ones who have more problems with detoxification end up having a much harder time with vaccinations or it could even be a trigger in the development of autistic spectrum disorders. It may not be the vaccines themselves that are harmful but the amount and in combination with preservatives that overwhelms certain children's defense. MMR has a particular bad reputation. 

Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.

The multinational drug companies have a multi-billion dollar investment in the vaccine industry. 2/3 medical research is funded by the companies whose financial interest is in the industry. This also applies to most pharmaceuticals. The reality is, toxins are called toxins for a reason. Vaccines are a piece of the puzzle to the epidemic rise of chronic and autoimmune diseases. We have to take in consideration environmental toxins, food supply, GMOs, vaccines increasing since the 1980's, artificial sweetener use increase, genetic polymorphisms, stress levels, immune function, etc. We are not genetically adapted to be able to tolerate all of these toxins and stressors in a short period of time. It was independent thought not too long ago to say that blood letting and even more recently involuntary lobotomies and electroshock therapy was not sound practice even when the medical establishment said it was. Homosexuality was called a mental disorder by the medical establishment not too long ago as well. I believe in time the toxins we put in our body and in our environment will look just as ridiculous to the masses as lobotomies, blood letting, EST etc. I believe in informed consent and personal liberty. I just don't believe either are going on all that much.

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

400 Companies That Are GMO Free

There is a lot of talk about GMO's or Genetically Modified Organisms. There is an increasing amount of GMOs in our food supply and with no regulation on food labeling, it is important, if we want to know what we are eating, to support food companies that offer NON GMO products.

The list below is a list from the NON GMO Project of brands that specifically offer NON GMO products! These companies believe that their customers have the right to make an informed choice:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

10 Reasons To Go Organic

Coaching people in Pittsburgh and virtually around the world in regaining health and reversing disease, two of the most common questions I get are "what exactly does organic mean" and  "Do I have to eat organic?" Lets go over these two questions:

What Does "Organic" Mean?

Organic agriculture is a production method that emphasizes the use of renewable resources and the conservation of soil and water to enhance environmental quality. Organic food products are produced using:
  • Agricultural management practices that promote healthy eco-systems and prohibit the use of genetically engineered seeds or crops, sewage sludge, long-lasting pesticides, herbicides or fungicides.
  • Livestock management practices that promote healthy, humanely treated animals by providing organically-grown feed, fresh air and outdoor access while using no antibiotics or added growth hormones.
  • Food processing practices that protect the integrity of the organic product and disallow irradiation, genetically modified ingredients (GMOs) or synthetic preservatives.

Top 10 Reasons To Go Organic!

(Courtesy of our friends at The Organic Trade Association)
  1. Organic products meet stringent standards

    Organic certification is the public's assurance that products have been grown and handled according to strict procedures without persistent toxic chemical inputs.
  2. Organic food tastes great!

    It's common sense — well-balanced soils produce strong, healthy plants that become nourishing food for people and animals.
  3. Organic production reduces health risks

    Many EPA-approved pesticides were registered long before extensive research linked these chemicals to cancer and other diseases. Organic agriculture is one way to prevent any more of these chemicals from getting into the air, earth and water that sustain us.
  4. Organic farms respect our water resources

    The elimination of polluting chemicals and nitrogen leaching, done in combination with soil building, protects and conserves water resources.
  5. Organic farmers build healthy soil

    Soil is the foundation of the food chain. The primary focus of organic farming is to use practices that build healthy soils
  6. Organic farmers work in harmony with nature

    Organic agricultural respects the balance demanded of a healthy ecosystem: wildlife is encouraged by including forage crops in rotation and by retaining fencerows, wetlands, and other natural areas.
  7. Organic producers are leaders in innovative research

    Organic farmers have led the way, largely at their own expense, with innovative on-farm research aimed at reducing pesticide use and minimizing agriculture's impact on the environment.
  8. Organic producers strive to preserve diversity

    The loss of a large variety of species (biodiversity) is one of the most pressing environmental concerns. The good news is that many organic farmers and gardeners have been collecting and preserving seeds, and growing unusual varieties for decades.
  9. Organic farming helps keep rural communities healthy

    Organic agriculture can be a lifeline for small farms because it offers an alternative market where sellers can command fair prices for crops.
  10. Organic abundance — foods and non-foods alike
    Now every food category has an organic alternative. And non-food agricultural products are being grown organically — even cotton, which most experts felt could not be grown this way.
Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health.

Monday, July 15, 2013

10 Disgusting Facts About Fast Food

After reading this I don’t think you will want to eat at a fast “food” restaurant again, these incredible though true facts are enough to make me avoid these places for good. Here we give you 10 disgusting facts about fast food.

1. McDonald’s Milk Shake uses a ridiculous concoction of 50 chemicals, such as ethyl acetate, phenethyl alcohol and solvent, to “imitate” the flavor of a real strawberry.

2. Chicken? More like a disgusting sludge of pink paste, through a chemical process, causing excessive bacteria, so it is washed in ammonia and then re-flavored with more chemicals and dyed. Next time, think twice before ordering some “nuggets.”

3. The average fast food patron eats 12 pubic hairs in a given year.

4. Apparently it is approved by the FDA an average of 30 insect fragments, including rodent hair per 100 grams of peanut butter.

5. Shellac is used to improve the shine of wood and furniture but you can also find it in your delicious jelly beans, it is used to improve the shine of food.

6. The FDA approved the use of bacteriophages on processed food such as lunch meat and hot dogs.

7. Each can of coke contains 10 teaspoons of sugar, more than what your body needs daily, it is thanks to another additive called phosphoric acid, that cuts the levels of sugar, that you don’t vomit automatically after drinking a can.

8. Fast Food’s “healthiest” choice is a salad packed of antifreeze’s chemical compound, Propylene Glycerol, which causes eye and skin irritation.

9. Many fast food chicken items contain beef additives, listed as extract or essence, used to enhance flavor and change health stats.

10. Any cheese product labeled as processed is packed with additives, chemicals and flavorings, it is actually 49% of the product itself, half of the product has nothing to do with cheese.

Source: positivemed

Helping People Reverse Disease, Regain Energy, Lose Stubborn Weight And Restore Health, In Pittsburgh & Across The World Through Our Virtual Functional Medicine Practice. Dr. Will Cole: Your Source For The Future Of Natural Health.