Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Vaccination Nation

Vaccines are always a hot health topic. I frequently get asked what my position on the issue is. Most vaccines, if not all contain preservatives, like thimerisol, aluminum, formaldehyde or yeast. Although there is some testing on individual vaccines, there is no testing done on the combinations given. The amount of vaccines now given to infants before 2 years of life is astounding. I don't think their young immune systems were made to handle this insult. That combined with the actual doses of preservatives like those listed above when they get multiple vaccines at the same time can be a detox issue in some children. Vaccines as they are recommended today are a "stress test" of sorts, but instead of being a cardiac exercise stress test, this is a test to see which children are born with genetic polymorphisms that lead to poor detoxification pathways in the body. The ones who have more problems with detoxification end up having a much harder time with vaccinations or it could even be a trigger in the development of autistic spectrum disorders. It may not be the vaccines themselves that are harmful but the amount and in combination with preservatives that overwhelms certain children's defense. MMR has a particular bad reputation. 

Suspicions have been confirmed for those wary of vaccinating their children. A recent large study corroborates other independent study surveys comparing unvaccinated children to vaccinated children. They all show that vaccinated children have two to five times more childhood diseases, illnesses, and allergies than unvaccinated children.

The multinational drug companies have a multi-billion dollar investment in the vaccine industry. 2/3 medical research is funded by the companies whose financial interest is in the industry. This also applies to most pharmaceuticals. The reality is, toxins are called toxins for a reason. Vaccines are a piece of the puzzle to the epidemic rise of chronic and autoimmune diseases. We have to take in consideration environmental toxins, food supply, GMOs, vaccines increasing since the 1980's, artificial sweetener use increase, genetic polymorphisms, stress levels, immune function, etc. We are not genetically adapted to be able to tolerate all of these toxins and stressors in a short period of time. It was independent thought not too long ago to say that blood letting and even more recently involuntary lobotomies and electroshock therapy was not sound practice even when the medical establishment said it was. Homosexuality was called a mental disorder by the medical establishment not too long ago as well. I believe in time the toxins we put in our body and in our environment will look just as ridiculous to the masses as lobotomies, blood letting, EST etc. I believe in informed consent and personal liberty. I just don't believe either are going on all that much.

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