Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reverse Fibromyalgia: Break The Cycle!

I help people all around the country break the Fibromyalgia Cycle. By clinically investigating why someone is going through Fibromyalgia symptoms and tailoring a health program that is unique to them we can reverse Fibromyalgia once and for all! Check Video Out Below:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Leaky Gut And Brain: Why You Can't Lose Weight Or Get Healthy

I have seen thousands of patients around the country struggle with chronic conditions such as diabetes, leptin/weight loss resistance, metabolic syndrome, depression and autoimmune conditions. Patients who were given very little hope and told to take a drug or just "live with it". When they came to me many of them feel like they are a hopeless cause with no chance of getting well. But through Functional Medicine we are able to look beneath the surface and find out why people are suffering from chronic illness. By ordering the right tests and tailoring a health program for them we are able to reverse these disease processes. On a daily basis I see patients in my virtual practice and patients in the clinic showing up with positive diagnostic signs of a dysfunctional gut/brain axis. Watch the video to learn more:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Weight Loss Resistance, Fatigue Natural Solutions

Here is a quick message that clinic manager and health coach Andrea and I made for you. Take advantage of the Free 5 minute Evaluation  on www.drwillcole.com to see if Functional Medicine might be right for you in your struggle with resistant weight loss, fatigue and other chronic issues that we help people with all over the country. ( and watch me chug my tea like a champ)

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Toxins and Weight Loss Resistance, Chronic Disease

How do toxins cause things like weight loss resistance, fatigue, diabetes, thyroid issues, hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia and more? Watch Video Below:

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Are You Aging Prematurely? Free Radical Inflammation Test

The foundation of Functional Medicine is comprehensive diagnostic testing. One of the initial tests we run shows us how much free radical inflammation your body has. This simple test takes only a few minutes but gives us a lot of information about your health. How much free radical damage is going on in your body? Watch Video Below:

Monday, November 12, 2012

Regain Energy. Lose Stubborn Weight. Reverse Disease

Getting to see patients in the clinic and from around the globe via Skype and Phone Consultations is such a blessing to me. Patients who were told they would always be sick now are seeing their diseases reversed. People who were told their life would just be a growing prescription list, are now eliminating their medications. Patients who had no energy and couldn't lose weight and just wanted to sleep the day away, now have more energy than ever and look great! Check out one patients story :

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Friday, November 2, 2012

Diet Soda Linked (Again) To Cancer

The results of a new study showed that just one 12-fl oz. can of diet soda daily leads to:

- 42 percent higher leukemia risk in men and women
- 102 percent higher multiple myeloma risk (in men only)
- 31 percent higher non-Hodgkin lymphoma risk (in men only)

Here is a video of me going over the details of the study:



Monday, October 29, 2012

IBS, Leaky Gut, Autoimmune, Metabolic, Hormonal Testing

Using the latest technology in diagnostic labs, we are able to uncover missing links in a patient's diagnosis. 75 percent of our immune system resides in our gut. Taking a comprehensive look into this highly complex system, allows us to further clinically investigate and give patients true solutions to their health problems.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Adrenal Fatigue, Hormone Imbalance and Food Intolerance

Why Do You Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When Lab Tests Are Normal

Investigative Health: Find Out Why You Feel The Way You Feel

Dr Cole Interview On Detox Cleanse Diets

Natural Solutions For Acid Reflux /GERD

Why Nothing Changes But Your Prescription List!


Hello Everyone and welcome to my new blog! 

I will be providing you with great info on health, wellness, food, alternative and functional medicine, and lots more! This will be an exciting journey and I hope you will join me! 

- Dr Cole

Super Fruit of the Day!

The Cure For Fat Phobia: 5 Fatty Foods You Should Eat More Of

I am excited to post the first article of the launch of drwillcole.com! Hope you like it and please share with your friends!

Over the last 50 years, America has become the most fat-phobic nation
in the world. The national fear of saturated fat has made us the
leading consumer of low-fat diets, fat-free and diet foods. Since we
have been, relative to other nations, staying away from saturated
fats, why are we not more lean? Why, over the same 50 years, have we
become the sickest, fattest industrialized nation there ever was in
the history of mankind? Why are nations that consume a lot more fat
than United States, healthier and leaner than we are?