Saturday, October 20, 2012

The Cure For Fat Phobia: 5 Fatty Foods You Should Eat More Of

I am excited to post the first article of the launch of! Hope you like it and please share with your friends!

Over the last 50 years, America has become the most fat-phobic nation
in the world. The national fear of saturated fat has made us the
leading consumer of low-fat diets, fat-free and diet foods. Since we
have been, relative to other nations, staying away from saturated
fats, why are we not more lean? Why, over the same 50 years, have we
become the sickest, fattest industrialized nation there ever was in
the history of mankind? Why are nations that consume a lot more fat
than United States, healthier and leaner than we are?

The fact is, our bodies need fat! Our brain is 60% fat and every cell
in our body depends on dietary fat, which is evident with research
linking low fat diets to neurodegenerative and other chronic diseases.
“But won’t eating saturated fats give me heart disease?”  No! This
antiquated myth has been busted by many large scale, well designed
studies published in reputable medical journals. The research clearly
shows that there is absolutely no association between saturated fat
and heart disease! So let’s undo the Fifty Year Fat Propaganda with
these Five Fatty Foods that are good for you!

1) Extra Virgin Coconut Oil: The benefits of this fatty food include
improving the look and feel of your skin and hair, relieving stress,
maintaining  good cholesterol levels, aiding in weight loss,
strengthening your immune system, proper digestion and metabolism,
healing to kidney problems, heart diseases, high blood pressure,
neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes and list goes on! These benefits
of coconut oil stem from its richness in lauric acid, capric acid and
caprylic acid. This super food acts as an antimicrobial, antioxidant
and antifungal all rolled into one!

2) Organic Pasture Raised Eggs: The incredible edible fatty egg has
got a bad rap but in reality is one of the most nutrient-dense foods
available. Research shows egg consumption increases the number of
large, buoyant LDL particles that have been shown to be protective
against heart disease. One egg gives you 13 essential nutrients, all
in the yolk! Contrary to what you have been told, the yolk is far
higher in nutrients than the white. Eggs are rich in iodine, which is
needed for making thyroid hormones. Eggs are a fantastic source of A
and B vitamins, which are needed for vital functions in the body. The
vitamin E found in eggs protects against heart disease and some
cancers; eggs also contain vitamin D and phosphorus, which promotes
mineral absorption and good bone and teeth health. Be selective with
your eggs though, as studies show that commercially-raised eggs are up
to 19 times higher in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids, so be sure
to buy organic, pasture raised eggs!

3) Avocado: This life giving fruit has only two grams of carbohydrates
per avocado and is filled with nutrients! Studies have shown avocados
protect against liver damage and promote good heart health. Avocados
are rich in antioxidants and an excellent source of healthful raw fat,
which most Americans are seriously deficient in. They also provide
close to 20 essential immune-boosting nutrients!

4) Grass Fed Beef: You have been told to fear this meat, but not all
beef is raised equally! Cows were meant to graze in fields, not
consuming corn. The cow’s diet completely changes the health of the
food! A three-ounce serving of organic grass fed beef contains 35
milligrams of the heart and brain protecting omega-3s EPA and DHA,
compared with only 18 milligrams for the same serving of meat from
grain-fed stock. Steers that munch on pasture also have twice the
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) per serving (26 milligrams, compared
with 13 milligrams in grain-fed). Research has linked higher CLA
levels with easier weight loss and a reduced risk of heart disease as
well as certain types of cancer! Another health perk of grass fed
beef: fewer bouts of food sickness.  Grain creates an environment in a
cow’s stomachs that’s more hospitable to pathogenic bacteria, adding
to the likelihood that the meat of a grain-fed animal will be
contaminated with E. coli during processing.

5) Kefir:  this fermented milk product contains many beneficial
bacteria which makes it one of the most potent probiotic foods
Besides containing highly beneficial bacteria and yeasts, kefir is a
rich source of many different vitamins, minerals and essential amino
acids that promote cellular healing and repair. Certain compounds in
kefir may play a role in regulating immune function and inflammation.

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