Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Reverse Fibromyalgia: Break The Cycle!

I help people all around the country break the Fibromyalgia Cycle. By clinically investigating why someone is going through Fibromyalgia symptoms and tailoring a health program that is unique to them we can reverse Fibromyalgia once and for all! Check Video Out Below:

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Leaky Gut And Brain: Why You Can't Lose Weight Or Get Healthy

I have seen thousands of patients around the country struggle with chronic conditions such as diabetes, leptin/weight loss resistance, metabolic syndrome, depression and autoimmune conditions. Patients who were given very little hope and told to take a drug or just "live with it". When they came to me many of them feel like they are a hopeless cause with no chance of getting well. But through Functional Medicine we are able to look beneath the surface and find out why people are suffering from chronic illness. By ordering the right tests and tailoring a health program for them we are able to reverse these disease processes. On a daily basis I see patients in my virtual practice and patients in the clinic showing up with positive diagnostic signs of a dysfunctional gut/brain axis. Watch the video to learn more:

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Weight Loss Resistance, Fatigue Natural Solutions

Here is a quick message that clinic manager and health coach Andrea and I made for you. Take advantage of the Free 5 minute Evaluation  on www.drwillcole.com to see if Functional Medicine might be right for you in your struggle with resistant weight loss, fatigue and other chronic issues that we help people with all over the country. ( and watch me chug my tea like a champ)